Davis College of Business & Technology Undergraduate to Graduate (Grad2Grad) Program

The Davis College of Business & Technology Grad 2 Grad program allows JU undergraduate students to accelerate their entrance into any graduate business program. Students can earn an undergraduate and graduate degree in as little as five years.


The Grad2Grad program allows undergraduate students in any JU undergraduate major to take up to four graduate business classes in their senior year with the potential for the four graduate business classes to double count for both the undergraduate and graduate degrees.


Jacksonville University students with a 3.0 GPA or higher after their first semester at JU may apply for the Grad2Grad program. To apply for the Grad2Grad program, students must complete the Grad2Grad application found in e-forms. Once submitted, the Grad2Grad advisor will contact the student to schedule a Grad2Grad advisement meeting.


Grad2Grad students are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the program. A Grad2Gard student will be placed on academic probation at the conclusion of any term in which the student’s cumulative GPA is less than a 3.0 (B). The student has the following one semester (or two courses) to raise the cumulative GPA to a 3.0 within one semester (or two courses) of being placed on academic probation.


A Grad2Grad student earning one grade of “F” in any Grad2Grad course will be dismissed from the program. Students dismissed from the Davis College of Business & Technology Graduate Program have 10 business days to appeal the action to the Graduate Committee. Within five business days, the committee must review the case via electronic communication or a face-to-face meeting and issue its final recommendation to the Dean who will rule on the appeal. The ruling by the college dean will be issued to the student in writing along with a brief explanation of the rationale for the recommendation. A dismissed student will be dropped from any graduate business classes they are enrolled in, and the registrar will be notified that they no longer have graduate student status nor should they be allowed to register for graduate business classes.


Any work earned in the Grad2Grad program will be entered on the JU transcript as hours earned, but Grad2Grad credits will not be used in the computation of the graduate grade point average or considered as part of maintaining their required 3.0 GPA once the student undergraduate degree is conferred, and the student is officially in the graduate program. Grad2Grad courses are not eligible for the undergraduate grade replacement policy.