The Education for Instruction Degree program at Jacksonville University prepares students for the 21st century world by structuring educational pedagogy with multiple opportunities to be engaged in realistic applications in the community. Graduates from this program will be prepared to provide frontline education, instruction, presentations, and leadership in all aspects of community development. The program is designed to allow students a strong liberal arts experience, coupled with transdisciplinary classes across the JU campus.
Major Requirements
All Education for Instruction majors must complete the following 30-credit Core and one 12 or 48-credit hour Concentration area.
University Core
| University Core Requirements | 37 |
Education for Instruction Core requirements:
EDU 102 | Human Development & Learning | 3 |
EDU 103 | Intro and Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDU 211 | Classroom Management | 3 |
EDU 248 | ESOL 2 - Methods of Teaching | 3 |
EDU 231 | Meeting Needs of Diverse Learners | 3 |
EDU 306WI | Introduction to Leadership | 3 |
EDU 312SI | Intro to Civic Engagement | 3 |
EDU 401 | Measurement, Evaluation, & Assessment in Education | 3 |
EDU 432 | Effective Instructional Strategies | 3 |
EDU 486 | Rdng & Lrng Skls Content Mid/Hi TchrsAreas for Middle & High School Teachers | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 30 |
Required Education for Instruction Concentration
Students must select one of the following 12 0r 48-credit hour concentration areas:
Community Education Concentration Requirements:
EDU 230 | Literacy Mentoring | 3 |
EDU 313 | Military Children and Families | 3 |
| Choose from any Service Learning courses | 6 |
Total Credit Hours: | 12 |
To complete a Community Service Learning Minor complete 3 additional credits in service learning elective courses and SOC 470SI: Social Action Capstone
Elementary Education Concentration Requirements
The Elementary Education concentration in the Education for Instruction degree will provide the opportunity for students to complete course work, field work and develop professional knowledge aligned to the Florida Department of Education requirements, such as Florida Educator Accomplished Practices, Subject Area Competencies and Skills K-6, as well as all Reading Competencies and ESOL Standards. This concentration will also include field placements and a student teaching experience designed to prepare graduates to teach in a K-6 classroom. The state of Florida requires a GPA of 2.5 to apply for a teaching certificate and a complete background check/level 2 fingerprint clearance must be passed. This is not a state-approved program.
ELE 211 | Methods of Teaching K-6 Mathematics and Practicum | 4 |
ELE 321 | Methods of Teaching K-6 Social Studies and Practicum | 4 |
ELE 322 | Methods of Teaching K-6 Science and Practicum | 4 |
ELE 430 | Student Teaching in Elementary Education | 9 |
ELE 431 | Student Teaching in Elementary Education Seminar | 3 |
EDU 349 | ESOL 3 Curriculum and Materials | 3 |
EDU 455 | ESOL 4 - Applied Linguistics for ESOL | 3 |
EDU 456 | ESOL 5 - Testing and Evaluation of ESOL | 3 |
EDU 480 | Clinical Applications in Preparing Less | 3 |
ELE 311 | Foundations of Reading Instructions | 3 |
ELE 313 | Applications of Research | 3 |
ELE 413 | Foundations of Reading Assessment | 3 |
ELE 417 | Foundations and Application Differential Instruction | 3 |
| Must also complete the TESOL Education and Literacy Education Concentrations | 24 |
Total Credit Hours: | 48 |
Literacy Education Concentration Requirements:
ELE 311 | Foundations of Reading Instructions | 3 |
ELE 313 | Applications of Research | 3 |
ELE 413 | Foundations of Reading Assessment | 3 |
ELE 417 | Foundations and Application Differential Instruction | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 12 |
TESOL Concentration Requirements:
EDU 349 | ESOL 3 Curriculum and Materials | 3 |
EDU 455 | ESOL 4 - Applied Linguistics for ESOL | 3 |
EDU 456 | ESOL 5 - Testing and Evaluation of ESOL | 3 |
EDU 480 | Clinical Applications in Preparing Less | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: | 12 |
General Electives
General Electives
| Requirement | 8-41 |
Education for Instruction Four Year Plan
This guide is for planning purposes in consultation with your advisor. For official program requirements, please refer to the academic catalog and your degree audit. To complete the program in 4 years, students will need to enroll in an average of 15 credits (5 classes) per semester.
Human Devel. and Learning
Intro and Foundations of Ed.
Mtg Needs of Diverse Learn.
Intro. To Civic Engagement
Service Learning (satisfies QEP)
Measurement, Eval. & Assess. In Educ.
Effective Instructional Strategies
Reading and Learning Skills
EDUCATION FOR INSTRUCTION CONCENTRATIONS: (Community Education, Literacy Education, TESOL Education, Elementary Education)
Community Education Concentration
Military Children & Families
Choose from any Service Learning course
Choose from any Service Learning course
To complete a Community Service Learning Minor complete 3 additional credits in service learning elective courses and SOC 470SI: Social Action Capstone
Literacy Education Concentration ELE ONLY: These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
Foundations of Reading Instr.
Found. of Reading. Assess.
Found. & Applic. Differential
TESOL Education Concentration ELE Only: These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
ESOL 3: Curric. & Materials
These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
ESOL 4: Applied Linguistics
These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
ESOL 5: Testing and Eval.
These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
Clinical Applic. Prep. Lessons
These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
Elementary Education Concentration These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
Methods of Teaching K-6 Mathematics and Practicum
These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
Methods of Teaching K-6 Social Studies and Practicum
These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
ELE 322: Methods of Teaching K-6 Science and Practicum
These classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
Student Teaching in Elementary Education
Student Teaching Elementary Education Seminar
Must also complete TESOL Education and Literacy Education Concentrations
Degree requirements are made up of JU core requirements (C), major requirements (M), and elective courses (E).
Plan of study for concentrations in Community Education, Literacy Education and TESOL Education
Human Devel. and Learning
Intro and Foundations of Ed.
Mtg Needs of Diverse Learn.
Intro. To Civic Engagement
Satisfies Experiential Learning
Global Studies Requirement
Effective Instructional Strategies
Reading and Learning Skills
Measurement, Eval. & Assess. In Educ.
Degree requirements are made up of core requirements (C), major requirements (M), and elective courses (E).
Plan of Study for Elementary Education Concentration (Face to Face concentration with field experiences)
Elementary Students: ALL Literacy/TESOL and Elem Content classes must be completed before Student Teaching minimum grade ‘C’
You must complete and pass a background check/level 2 fingerprint clearance and FLDOE requires a GPA of 2.5 to apply for a teaching certificate.
NAME: CONCENTRATION: Elementary Education
Human Devel. and Learning
Intro and Foundations of Ed.
Mtg. Needs of Diverse Learn.
Foundations of Reading Instr.
Methods of Teaching K-6 Mathematics, Social Studies or Science or and Practicum
MUST be completed before Student Teaching
ESOL 3: Curric. & Materials
Methods of Teaching K-6 Mathematics, Social Studies or Science or and Practicum
MUST be completed before Student Teaching
Global Studies requirement
Found. of Reading. Assess.
Measurement, Eval. & Assess. In Educ.
ESOL 4: Applied Linguistics
Effective Instructional Strategies
Found. & Applic. Differential
ESOL 5: Testing and Eval.
Methods of Teaching K-6 Mathematics, Social Studies or Science or and Practicum
MUST be completed before Student Teaching
Clinical Applic. Prep. Lessons
Pre-req: ESOL 1-5 (or taken concurrently with ESOL 5)
Semester 7 FALL MUST have COMPLETED all ELE content/Literacy/TESOL and ELE courses with minimum ’C’ grade before registration
Student Teaching in Elementary Education
Student Teaching in Elementary Education Seminar
Intro. To Civic Engagement
Satisfies Experiential Learning
Core Courses (37 credits)
ECON 189, 201. ECON 201 is not recommended for freshmen unless they have good math scores, have taken pre-calc or calc in H.S. (B or higher) and don’t have to take the mathematics placement exam.
ENGL 103 (depending on placement, student may need ENGL 101 first). 'C-' or better required.
NOTE: All students enrolled in ENGL 103 must pass an Exit Exam at the end of the term. Students not passing this exit exam are required to enroll in ENGL 214WI prior to reaching 60 hours. It is not necessary to pass this exam in order to pass ENGL 103. ENGL 214WI counts as an elective course.
Three hours in ART, ARH, DANC, MUS, or THEA
BA students: One 202-level (or above) foreign language course or equivalent
BS students: One 102-level (or above) foreign language course or equivalent, or any International Studies (IS) course at the 300-level
One three-credit HIST course at the 100- or 200-level
Any HUM-xxx course (Pre-reqs: ENGL 103 and English/Literature core requirement)
100-level natural science with a lab
JU 111 or JU 169 for Honors or 159 for Scholars
General Requirements for all bachelor’s degrees:
A minimum of 120 credit hours earned with a minimum of 30 credit hours completed at JU.
A minimum of a "C" (2.0) average for all work taken at JU.
A student must satisfy all requirements of the University Core Curriculum in addition to all major and degree requirements.
A student is responsible for meeting the specific graduation requirements of the selected major and degree. A student who pursues more than one major must meet all degree requirements for each major.
A student must have at least a "C" (2.0) average in the major.
At least 12 credit hours in the major in courses numbered 300 or above must be completed at JU.
A minimum of forty-two credit hours must be in courses numbered 300 or above.
At least one each of an upper-level Writing-Intensive and Speech-Intensive course (designated with a “WI” or “SI” in the course number; may be satisfied by courses already required for major).
At least 3 credit hours in Experiential Learning (defined as Undergraduate Research, Research Intensive with “RI” designation, Internship, Study Abroad, or Service Learning; may be satisfied by courses already required for major).
At least 3 credit hours in a DEI designated course; may be satisfied by a course within in major or an elective course.
First-year students will be automatically enrolled in and must complete JU 111 or JU 159 (for Scholars), or JU 169 (for Honors). Transfer students in their second year and students entering with an AA degree are exempt.
NOTE: This four-year plan is meant to be a guide. For full degree requirements, please consult the academic catalog.