Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in History

When you major in History, you explore the making of today’s world. Your starting point might be the distant or the near past; your focus might be the U.S. or another region; your perspective might be political, social, military, or one of many other approaches. The end result will be a greater understanding of the past, of historical change, and of the historical context of today’s global challenges.

At JU, the members of the History faculty each teach classes in four or more advanced topics, and if you have an interest not in the curriculum the faculty will work with you on an independent study. You will see your skills at analysis and writing develop, which will serve you well inside or outside of a career in history. To pursue engaged learning at its fullest, you will have opportunities for internships, study abroad, and presentation of your research at state and national conferences.

Major Requirements

University Core

University Core Requirements


History majors must complete the following courses:

HIST xxx
Nine credit hours of history courses at the 100-200 level


HIST 400WRThe Technique of History


HIST xxx
Additional 21 credit hours of history courses at the 300-400 level


XX xxx
Any speech-intensive (SI) course


Total Credit Hours:36

General Electives

General Electives


Total Credit Hours: 120

History Major Important Notes:

  • History majors are advised to complete HIST 150 or HIST 189, HIST 206 and HIST 207 before enrolling in 300-400 level history courses.
  • History majors are advised to take HIST 400WR in the fall semester of their senior year.

History Education - Secondary Level

Students who plan to teach History on the secondary level should consult with the School of Education early in their academic careers to determine the specific requirements.