Master of Fine Arts in Choreography

The Master of Fine Arts in Choreography is committed to the professional development of arts innovators. The low-residency format within the Linda Berry Stein College of Fine Arts & Humanities allows MFA-Choreography graduate students to develop a personal vision, refine technical skills, and/or work on projects addressing social and environmental concerns within a global context. The National Association of Schools of Dance accredits academic programs in dance at Jacksonville University.


Admission Requirements

For a list of admission requirements to the MFA program, see Graduate Program - MFA in Dance Admission in the Admission section of this Catalog.

Program Requirements

Degree Requirements

The Master of Fine Arts program requires the equivalent of at least two (2) years of full-time graduate study, with a minimum of 60 semester credit hours. The low-residency format consists of each year a one (1) six-week summer term of hybrid/distance instruction and two (2) semesters of online instruction with sequential courses and degree development over the two-year program.


Transfer of Credit - Transfer of Credit will not be allowed in the graduate curriculum.

Policies - Policies are published on the program and University websites and Academic Catalog.

Transcript Evidence - Consistent with graduation requirements and verified by the University registrar before the degree is granted from the program.


Thesis Requirement - The thesis project is research comprised of two components: the submission of choreographic research/practice and a supportive exegesis. During the Summer II intensive, the student will submit a 3–4-page proposal for the research project to be approved by the Review Panel which is comprised of the Department of Dance faculty. The research process aims to engage students in a sustained enterprise, providing the opportunity to build on and develop skills and knowledge gained in the program.


The work in Term 5 in DANC550 Research-Based Project/Thesis focuses on the process of practice-as-research. During Term 5 Students will build committees to support their research, committees will include 3-4 individuals that the course professor must approve. The research within the DANC550 Research-Based Project/Thesis is intended to be a substantial research process that reflects the depth of study, in which students are expected to operate autonomously supported by a supervisor (course professor). The focus of DANC 551 Advanced Practicum in Term 6 is on the final research, final presentation of practice, collation of the documentation, and submission of final exegesis. The outcome(s) of the process constitute the work in the DANC551 Advanced Practicum. The final form of the research project submission will depend on the student’s focus, but it must include two components, the submission of choreographic research/practice and a supportive exegesis. Upon final submission of the research project, the Review Panel may elect to have the MFA candidate complete an oral defense of the thesis. If the student’s research project is not submitted in Term 6 the student must enroll in DANC 560 each subsequent semester until the completion of the research project. Faculty will periodically review individual student progress in meeting course goals and completing the research project.


Choreographic Research/Practice - The choreographic research/practice will include elements shown within a public context (for example: theatre performance, lecture-demonstration, video project screened in a public setting, installation). Normally a theatre presentation event is of 20-30 minutes duration; a lecture/demonstration is approximately 30 minutes. Other forms such as video-dance, electronic events, and installations will depend on the specific parameters of the research and must be approved as part of the research proposal.


Exegesis - The practical elements will be supported by an exegesis elucidating the interconnections between concepts and practice throughout the process into performance and in performance, as well as, serving as an archive of the project overall. The Exegesis, not including the bibliography, will be a substantial document of approximately 60-100 pages.

Program required courses:

DANC 500Graduate Seminar


DANC 514Examining Practice I


DANC 516Examining Practice II


DANC 517Dance History,theory and Criticism I


DANC 518Dance History, Theory and Criticism II


DANC 519Examining Practice III


DANC 520Contemporary Body Practices


DANC 523Creative Synergies


DANC 524Body Politics


DANC 530Intermedia I


DANC 531Intermedia II


DANC 534Research and Development


DANC 535Pedagogy I


DANC 536Pedagogy II


DANC 549Examining Practice IV


DANC 550Research-Based Project/Thesis


DANC 551Advanced Practicum


DANC 580Portfolio


Total Credit Hours:55

Additional studies in dance:

DANC 500Graduate Seminar


DANC 520Contemporary Body Practices


Total Credit Hours:5

Total Credit Hours: 60

Degree Requirements

The Master of Fine Arts program requires the equivalent of at least two (2) years of full-time graduate study, with a minimum of 60 semester credit hours. The low-residency format would consist each year of one (1) six-week Summer intensive term and two (2) semesters of hybrid/distance instruction with sequential courses and degree development
over the two year program.

Transfer of Credit - Transfer of Credit will not be allowed in the graduate curriculum.

Policies - Policies are clearly published on the program and University web sites and Academic Catalog.

Transcript Evidence - Consistent with graduation requirements and verified by the University registrar prior to the degree being granted from the program.

Thesis Requirement - The thesis is a research project that is comprised of two components, the submission of choreographic research/practice and a supportive exegesis. During the Summer II intensive, the student will submit a 3-4 page proposal for the research project to be approved by the Review Panel that is comprised of the department of dance faculty. The research process aims to engage students in a sustained enterprise, providing the opportunity to build on and develop skills and knowledge gained in the program. The work in Term 5 in DANC550 Research-Based Project/Thesis focuses on the process of practice-as-research. During Term 5 Students will build committees to support their research, committees will include 3-4 individuals that must be
approved by the course professor. The research within DANC550 Research-Based Project/Thesis is intended to be a substantial research process that reflects the depth of study, in which students are expected to operate autonomously supported by a supervisor (course professor).The focus of DANC 551 Advanced Practicum in Term 6 is on the final research, final presentation of practice, collation of the documentation and submission of final exegesis. The outcome(s) of the process constitutes the work in DANC551 Advanced Practicum. The final form of the research project submission will depend on the student’s focus but it must include two components, the submission of choreographic research/practice and a supportive exegesis. Upon final submission of the research project, the Review Panel may elect to have the MFA candidate complete an oral defense of the thesis. If the student’s research project is not submitted in Term 6 the student must enroll in DANC 560 each subsequent semester until the completion of the research project. Faculty will periodically review individual student progress in meeting course goals and completing the research project.

Choreographic Research/Practice - The choreographic research/practice will include elements shown within a public context (for example: theatre performance, lecture-demonstration, video project screened in a public setting, installation). Normally a theatre presentation event is of 20-30 minutes duration; a lecture/demonstration approximately 30 minutes. Other forms such as video-dance, electronic events and installations will depend on the specific parameters of the research and must be approved as part of the research proposal.

Exegesis - The practical elements will be supported by an exegesis elucidating the interconnections between concepts and practice throughout the process into performance and in performance, as well as, serving as an archive of the project overall. The Exegesis, not including the bibliography, will be a substantial document of approximately 60-100 pages.

Academic Standards

A graduate student will be placed on Academic Probation at the conclusion of any semester in which the student’s cumulative GPA is less than a 3.0 (B). The student has the following one semester (or two courses) to raise the cumulative GPA to a 3.0. A graduate student will be dismissed from the program if the student does not raise the cumulative GPA to a 3.0 within one semester (or two courses) of being placed on Academic Probation. A graduate student placed on Academic Probation more than one time during the program will be dismissed from the program. A graduate student earning one grade of “F” in any graduate course will be dismissed from the program.