Residency Policy

Jacksonville University and the Residential Life Office are committed to the holistic development of students. Jacksonville University has established a three-year residency policy, requiring first-time college students to live on campus during their first three years. Living on campus provides students with the opportunity to share experiences with peers and take full advantage of the learning that takes place outside the traditional classroom. The Residential Life Office is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy as well as the enforcement of this policy.

As a residential campus, we require that first-time college students live on campus during their first three years, and share in the development of our living and learning communities. Students are exempt from this requirement if they:

  1. Are at least 22 years old.
  2. Are legally married.
  3. Are currently serving on active duty in the military.
  4. Live with an immediate family member in Duval county. The Residential Life Office defines “immediate family member” as a parent, legal guardian or sibling.
  5. Are a transfer student who is at least two years removed from high school.

If you meet any of the criteria listed above, please complete the Residency Exemption Request form located on the Residential Life website. This form can be emailed (, faxed (904.256.7582) or returned in person to the Residential Life Office in Cascone Hall 112. A new residency exemption form must be filled out and returned to the Residential Life office for each academic year in order for our office records to stay current. The form must be accompanied by appropriate documentation, as prescribed by the Office of Residential Life.

Resident students should maintain a minimum load of 12 credit hours during the fall or spring semesters and be enrolled in the upcoming fall semester to reside on campus during either of the summer terms.

The Residency Policy is reviewed each year and is subject to change on an annual basis.