University Honors Program

Graduation with University Honors


Students accepted into Jacksonville University’s Honors Program may receive the academic distinction of University Honors at commencement if the program requirements are fulfilled as listed under “University Honors Program” in this section of the Catalog.


Students accepted into Jacksonville University’s Scholars Program may receive the academic recognition of University Scholars at commencement if the program requirements are fulfilled as listed under “University Scholars Program” in this section of the Catalog.



University Honors Program

The University Honors Program at Jacksonville University aims to challenge highly motivated and intellectually curious students to develop rigor, independent reasoning and creativity, superior communication skills, leadership, and a system for ethical decision-making. We are built on the pillars of inclusivity, innovation, imagination, and inquisitive exploration. Students who desire to excel in the pursuit of knowledge and learning are part of a community within the University that supports outstanding scholarship, personal and professional growth, and global citizenship.

The program requirements expose students to interdisciplinary experiences and encourage them to make connections across diverse domains of knowledge; foster leadership; encourage students to identify and assess personal, academic, and professional goals; provide opportunities for individual research and creativity; enable students to practice what they learn in the classroom through intern- and externships; promote servant leadership through giving back to our community; and encourage participation in cross-cultural and global citizenship opportunities.


University Honors Requirements

Fulfilling the following requirements entitles University Honors Program students to graduate with University Honors Laureate distinction at commencement.

The requirements are:

  • Filing an official acceptance of the invitation and signing the commitment letter to join the Honors Program with the University Honors Program Office. Students then are designated University Honors Laureate Fellows.
  • Completion of a minimum of 24 honors credits which includes:
    • A three (3) credit first-year honors colloquium and,
    • At least one (1) honors designated three (3) credit seminar and,
    • At least six (6) honors credits within the major at the upper levels (300 or 400).
    • Students who enter the Honors Program after the first semester of their first year at JU will have the required honors credit hours reduced by three (3) for each semester completed. Students will not be admitted into the Honors Laureate pathway after the first semester of their sophomore year.
    • If a student graduates in fewer than the traditional four years (e.g., eight semesters), the required honors credits will be reduced by three (3) per semester. For example, if a student graduates in three (3) years and completes six (6) semesters, the honors credits required will be reduced by six (6).
  • Maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA (CGPA) and a 3.3 GPA in honors coursework.Students must have a 3.5 CGPA when filing for graduation.
  • Completion and presentation of a significant research project. Contact the honors program director for the specific details and requirements.
  • Completion of at least one internship. Contact the honors program director for the specific details and requirements.
  • Completion of a public research presentation or creative expression/work. Honors Laureate Fellows are required to present their research findings or creative work in a public forum, such as a professional or honors research conference or the JU Undergraduate Research Symposium, or through a creative expression with a significant contribution, such as a play lead, music, vocal solo, dance, or senior student art exhibit. The public presentation or work must be submitted to the honors director for approval and recording.
  • Completion of a service-learning opportunity offered as part of the first-year Honors Colloquium. If entering the Honors Program after the first semester, this requirement can be satisfied through another University service-learning designated course or a one (1) credit honors service-learning course.
  • Enrollment in at least one Honors course each semester is required until the honors credit requirement is satisfied. Two consecutive semesters of enrollment in no Honors courses result in a student’s being designated as “not in good standing” in the Honors Program and subject to probation or dismissal from the program.
  • A minimum of 60 credit hours are required to be completed at JU.


    As determined by the executive director, Honors Fellows who remain in good standing are eligible for a priority registration time slot, which the University Registrar determines.


    Earning Honors Credit

    Students may earn honors credits in a variety of ways:


    Students may register for honors-designated courses if accepted and matriculated fellows of the University Honors Program. We believe that all highly motivated students should have access to honors courses; as such, we will make available open seats in honors-designated courses to all university students with a 3.3 cumulative GPA and with the instructor and honors program director's permission after honors students have completed their registration period.  Qualified students may take as few or as many honors courses as they wish.  



    Graduation with University Scholars’ Recognition


    Students accepted into Jacksonville University’s Scholars Program may receive the academic recognition of University Scholars at commencement if the program requirements are fulfilled as listed under “University Scholars Program” in this section of the Catalog.


    University Scholars Requirements

    Fulfilling the following requirements entitles Scholars Program students to graduate with University Scholars recognition at commencement. The requirements are:

  • Filing an official acceptance of the invitation and signing the commitment letter to join the Scholars Program with the University Honors Program Office.
  • Completion of a three (3) credit scholars first-year experience course.
  • Maintain a 3.3 cumulative GPA (CGPA). Students must have a 3.3 CGPA when filing for graduation.
  • Completion of one internship. See the honors program director for details.
  • Completion of a service-learning course This requirement can be satisfied through a university service-learning designated course or one (1) credit honors service-learning course.
  • Attend at least two campus events each semester and/or serve on a campus committee or board, such as Panhellenic, student government, clubs, etc., each semester until graduation.
  • A minimum of 60 credit hours are required to be completed at JU.
  • Honors Colloquium.A required three-credit first-year honors course focusing on values exploration, personal development, and community citizenship.
  • Honors courses or honors sections of courses per the course catalog.
  • Honors Contract.  Students may create a faculty-student honors agreement that outlines an agreed-upon honors component to receive honors credit for a non-honors designated course. See the honors program director for details.
  • Departmental Honors.  We encourage Honors Program students to explore completing departmental honors within their major. At the upper levels, Honors Program students are expected to propose and conduct research or creative projects within their major fields, which may carry one to six credit hours of independent or research study per semester. Students seeking University Honors credit should apply for departmental honors as specified (see Academic Awards and Scholastic Honors in this section) and simultaneously submit their research or capstone proposal to the honors program director. Upon approval of the completed departmental honors projects or creative productions for honors credit by the student’s departmental supervisory committees, students in the Honors Program will be awarded both departmental and University Honors credit.
  • Undergraduate Research— Honors Program students are required to propose and conduct research or creative projects within their fields of choice. This is closely related to the Departmental Honors courses discussed above but is not necessarily related to an academic major or pursuing a Departmental Honors designation. The honors program director and the faculty mentor must approve the proposal and project. Students may register for up to three credits of honors research or independent study, but it is not required for graduation with a University Honors Laureate distinction.
  • Study Abroad and Away – Coursework carries honors designation only as determined by the Honors Program Director.


Students may register for honors-designated courses if accepted and matriculated fellows of the University Honors Program. We believe that all highly motivated students should have access to honors courses; as such, we will make available open seats in honors-designated courses to all university students with a 3.3 cumulative GPA and with the instructor and honors program director's permission after honors students have completed their registration period.  Qualified students may take as few or as many honors courses as they wish.