Career Enhancement Opportunities (CEO) Program

Program Overview

The goal of the Career Enhancement Opportunities (CEO) program is for students to gain a better understanding of the majors and subsequent career options in business and to become more marketable through acquiring additional business credentials, skills, knowledge, and practical experiences. The program is also designed to give students the opportunity to become more engaged both on and off campus, to expand their professional network, and to gain an overall more fulfilling university experience. Successful completion of all components of the CEO program is a requirement for graduation.

Program Requirements

In addition to completing the required coursework associated with each degree offered within the Davis College of Business & Technology, students are required to participate in twelve CEOs. Six of the CEOs must fall into the following categories: career exploration, resume, technology, internship/mentorship or other practicum experience, mock interview and job search.

CEO Schedule

Each semester, DCOBT establishes a calendar of approved CEOs (and corresponding categories), which is made available on the DCOBT website. These activities include professional development workshops that help students develop and improve specific skills, such as time management, personal finance, leadership, interpersonal management, delivering effective presentations, resume writing, and behavioral-based interviewing techniques. A variety of additional activities may be offered including distinguished speakers, career panels, leadership programs, conferences, company visits, networking opportunities, and field experiences. An activity may count for more than one CEO credit depending on the length and scope of the activity. Outside of completing CEOs in the required categories, students have the flexibility to select CEOs that are specific to their interests. Students may also request that alternative activities or events be counted as an approved CEO and/or counted toward the required CEO categories by petitioning the DCOBT Professional Development Center to show the relevance of the activity/event.

CEO Tracking and Recording

Completed CEOs will be posted to students’ record. It is ultimately each student’s responsibility to ensure the required number of CEOs are completed and that each of the required CEO categories are fulfilled prior to graduation. The DCOBT will track participation in CEOs; however, students must ensure that they bring their student ID to every CEO that they attend and sign attendance sheets with their correct information and/or swipe their student ID to receive credit. In some cases, students may be required to complete a form or reflection paper to earn credit for an event. If a student’s record does not reflect participation in a specific CEO, the student must bring the matter to the attention of the DCOBT Professional Development Center by submitting an appeal in writing by the end of the semester in which the activity in question took place. This video describes generally how we will be tracking the activities: