Mathematics Minor

Minor Requirements

There are two minors in Mathematics – Mathematics and Applied Mathematics.

Students planning to attend graduate school in Engineering, Physics or Chemistry are encouraged to pursue the minor in Mathematics due to the theoretical nature of the mathematics they may encounter in graduate school.

Mathematics Minor

Eighteen (18) semester credit hours in mathematics courses are required, including:

MATH 240Calculus III


MATH 301WIIntroduction to Abstract Mathematics


MATH xxx
At least six additional credit hours in mathematics courses numbered above 300


MATH xxx
Additional five credit hours in mathematics courses


Total Credit Hours:18

Applied Mathematics Minor

Eighteen (18) semester credit hours in mathematics courses are required, including:

MATH 240Calculus III


MATH 320Linear Algebra


MATH 331Differential Equations


MATH xxx
At least three additional credit hours in mathematics courses numbered above 300


MATH xxx
Additional five credit hours in mathematics courses


Total Credit Hours:18

Mathematics Education - Secondary Level

Students who plan to teach Mathematics on the secondary level should consult with the School of Education early in their academic careers to determine the specific requirements.