BIOL 433WI Animal Behavior

This course examines both the proximate and ultimate processes involved in shaping animal behavior and highlights the interdisciplinary nature of animal behavior, drawing from genetics, physiology, psychology, endocrinology, and conservation. Topics covered include mechanisms of behavior, foraging, defense against predation, aggression, animal learning, sensory systems, communication, mating systems, parental care behavior, and human behavior. Course objectives will be met through lecture, scientific literature, student projects, videos and fieldtrips to observe both wild and captive animals. Formal scientific writing will be required with minimum of 6,000 words. Pre-Requisite: A "C" or better in BIOL 100 and BIOL 100L or BIOL 180.  This course is open only to Psychology majors.  Credit cannot be awarded for both BIOL 433WI and BIOL 434WI.
