Reporting Alleged Acts of Academic Misconduct

If an instructor believes a student has committed an act of academic misconduct, the instructor is to meet with the student, if possible, to discuss the matter. This discussion may occur in person, via telephone, or video conference. When it is not possible to meet with the student, the instructor is to contact the student by email. This meeting or email contact should be initiated as soon as possible after the discovery date. The instructor is then to fill out the Academic Misconduct Notification Form within fifteen (15) business days of the discovery date when school is in session. This form will generate a report that will be automatically transmitted via email to the student, the instructor, and the Director of Academic Integrity. In addition to describing the incident on this form, the instructor will:

1) Recommend that a “warning” be issued to the student. See Section VI below for a full explanation of the possible consequences of a warning. This “warning only” option may be chosen in any of the following circumstances:

  • The incident is a first offense in the class,
  • The affected assignment amounted to 10% or less of the total grade in the course,
  • An act of plagiarism occurred due to a technicality and was likely unintentional,
  • Mitigating circumstances suggest that the act of misconduct was not an overt attempt to gain an unfair advantage.

2) Recommend that a “citation for academic misconduct” be issued to the student. See Section IV below for a full explanation of the possible consequences of a citation.


NOTE: If the course-level penalty assigned by the instructor is failure for the entire course, the instructor is to indicate, on the Academic Misconduct Notification Form, that the Registrar’s Office will issue an “Academic Hold” which will prevent the student from withdrawing from the course in question (the student may still withdraw from other courses).